Download update Brawl Stars ver. 32.170 – with Edgar and Byron

The developers have released an update to Brawl Stars with new fighters, skins and other innovations. You can download it right now.


The Main Attack is a very short attack that hits twice, Edgar heals 25% of the damage dealt.
Super – Edgar jumps over a short distance and gains extra movement speed after landing. The superpower also slowly charges passively over time.
Gadget – Increases the charge of passive Superpowers by 700% in 3 seconds.
Star Power #1 – Super ability also deals 1000 damage to nearby enemies when landing


The Main Attack is a ranged attack that deals damage to enemies over a certain time period and heals friendly fighters over a certain time period. Both effects can stack on the same target as many times as they hit it.

Super – Instantly exploding bottle that deals damage to enemies and heals friendly Fighters who are in the area.
Gadget – Consumes one cartridge to heal 800 per second for 3 seconds.
Star Power #1 – Super Attack also reduces enemy healing by 50% from all sources for 9 seconds. It also affects normal health regeneration, which occurs after an enemy has not taken damage for a while.
I will tell you about other changes in social networks and individual posts.

Changes in Brawl Star 32.170

  • GIFTS (13 in total) starting from December 12;
  • New EPIC Fighter: Edgar;
  • New MYTHICAL fighter: Byron;
  • New holiday skins;
  • Return of the “Gift Theft” mode!;
  • New game environment: “Junker Flea Market”;
  • OTHER.

Download the latest version

The link is available for download


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